About us

About Us

Educational Trust Kashmir came into existence on 16th June 1968 following the relentless pursuit of the learned and educated members of the Shia Muslims of the Kashmir Valley. They felt the need to organize and patronize educational activities of the community so as to overcome its educational backwardness. The functionaries of the Trust went far and wide and even to the neglected and inaccessible areas of the Valley appraising the masses about the timely need of education and its benefits. Basic Committees were formed in various areas, of the valley which had to persuade the masses in their respective areas towards education, besides, identifying the students who on account of least economic sustenance would either leave the school half way or wouldn’t join it at all. These Committees had then to recommend such deserving students aspirants for financial assistance/Qarzi Hasna. Consequently, the Trust and its mission came to be understood by the public.