Mohammad Shafi


All praises to the Almighty who has empowered us with rational minds and all praises to Almighty who has sustained this rationality, guiding it towards those measures which can enhance the living standards of our fellow beings. Indeed a person in whom Allah has kept alive the sense of duty and obligation towards people around him must be thankful in all its manifestations as the person devoid of such merit merely possesses an animal existence. So profound is the concept of ‘Huququl I’baad’ that it has been granted an incomparable station when it comes to seeking nearness to God. So profusely have words been used in this regard by the Holy Quraan and the Ahlulbayt that one wonders if it really is in the realms of possibility to comprehend all of it. A lifetime surely isn’t enough to serve the cause but we can do what is within our grasp.

Muslim Ummah in general and our community is particular has been subject to deprivation in almost all fields of social and economical expansion, the reasons of which can be located within its folds as well as outside it. The persecution of those who follow the decree of ‘Mavadat al Qurba’ has been particularly severe and substantial. But our deepest gratitude and thankfulness is due to those souls who sacrificed themselves and their desires just to keep alive the identity of our community and to direct them on a path of piety, dedication and refinement by teaching them to use the tools of knowledge and education.

The Trust with its 18 functional schools has become one of the pioneering institutions in the cause of educational needs of the underprivileged rather the only one in the valley. It is providing overall education to the young minds with liberty that financial complications don’t clip their wings to soar in the skies of knowledge and achievement.

The present administrative team that got elected by the life members on 01/07/2018 has a humungous task ahead. Times have changed and so must the tools of imparting education. It is my personal desire and an agenda that primarily that trust is to be run by constant improvisation and innovation. We have already started the task of reviewing constitution and its regulatory provisions so that traditional anomalies are amended. While setting up the higher goals for the trust, we have started to initiate the programs for better understanding the needs of the students as well as the faculty for which special training programs are to be initiated. The scattered population of our community is being evaluated in a zonal methodology so that a road map of new schools is charted out. Process is on to come up with model school in phase wise manner which shall further enrich the students. Deliberations are also being made to elevate the trust in the areas beyond higher secondary education and to introduce professional streams of education.  The launch of the website in itself is a historical moment for the trust as we know how it can become a bridge between people around the globe and those associated with the trust. But to reach to this level of excellence and distinction trust needs the support and encouragement of each and every individual of the society. It requires the pledge of every member of the community. It needs a sense of belonging from every person so that they attach themselves to it with best of their capabilities and resources.  

I, on behalf of myself and the administrative team invite you to the Educational Trust and to be a part of this peerless service to our community which has long lived a life of isolation. Let us all unite in this great cause of giving wings to the hopeless and deprived. Let us vow to make each and every member of this community an individual who can change his life and the lives of others.