Mudasir Sheikh


The educators have the power to change the direction of young lives and positively affect the lives of future generations. Teaching and learning require planning, enthusiasm, desire, time, and effort. I have great respect and for teachers and their work.  As a school principal, I am ultimately responsible for the learning, safety and emotional growth of our students and teachers, only by working with every  community member I meet . Working together we can provide the best possible education for all our children. 

Vision statement
  Our goals for students are to master grade level content standards, use critical thinking and problem solving strategies, develop communication skills. we strive to help students realize their full academic potential, develop positive self concepts, and gain enthusiasm for learning. 
      We encourage all students to develop responsibility for their  behavior and a concern for others. 
  We invite our community to help plan and participate in implementing programs to prepare students for a healthy and successful future. 


Mudasir Sheikh

Phone No: 7051583873
