Shahbaz Ahmad Dar 


As the Principal of the school, I feel honored and privileged to be part of educational Trust Kashmir an institution where every stakeholder is a learner and every day is an opportunity to learn and discover. We look at ourselves as a community of learners, where everyone learns including our teachers, parents & staff. I believe in upholding high standards with an absolute commitment to strive to understand and improve the educational process, using team strategies, while wholly centering on student achievement. The world today is changing at such an accelerated rate and our school namely Imamia Public High School Dab Ganderbal is well equipped to prepare our children to face the challenges that the future holds. We impart education to match the advancement in technology and globalization. We make our children to march ahead with moral values and principles. We constantly endeavor to install these moral and ethical qualities in our children. I extend my warm wishes to the President, the entire Team of ETK, all IP schools, Teachers, and my dear students to keep on moving in this journey on the road of excellence to reach the pinnacle of success.


                                 “ Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. ” AlbertEinstein

It is a matter of pride to pen down the message for "Ensemble" the website of Educational Trust Kashmir. My heart fills with immense pleasure as I perceive the progress being made by ETK. The seeds of an idea sown many decades ago have quickly come to fruition and the organization (Trust) is growing into a strong sapling. It is the endeavor of the worthy President and the entire Team of ETK to make it possible with a smooth journey full of joy and discovery.   


Shahbaz Ahmad Dar 
Contact no:- 9149495516